Monday, March 14, 2016

Jurassic Park- Hollywood Critic

This is a critical review of the science and research behind Jurassic Park. The first thing that I want to talk about and point out is that the Tyrannosaurus Rex can see things that do not move. Researchers, after watching the film, had found interest in the subject and began research on it. They have found out that the T-Rex possibly had better eyesight and depth sensory than modern day raptors. More information can be found here. The next thing that I want to talk about is how most of the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park are not even from the Jurassic time era. Most of the dinosaurs that are actually shown in the first movie are actually from the Cretaceous time period. Some of the dinosaurs that are actually from the Cretaceous period include the T-Rex, the Velociraptor, the Spinosaurus (From Jurassic Park III), the Masosaurus (From Jurassic World), and a dinosaur that is actually from the Triassic era, the Camptosaurus (Form Jurassic Park II). One of the people that worked on Jurassic Park had responded to an interviewer on why it was called Jurassic Park and not something like Cretaceous Park is that it was just a name and could be named anything.

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