Here is the link to the documentary:
I also shared this on Twitter. It is here:
This documentary starts with talking about how mammals are the animals that succeeded the dinosaurs after the majority of them died off. Archaeologists had found a mammalian skull in the desert that they say was the beginning of all of the mammals we have today. It was as long as 5 inches and first appeared during the period when the continent was Pangaea. Mammals were very small and lived in burrows. Due to the dinosaurs that would eat them in the day time, most mammals would hunt and forage during the night. They also had a bone structure in their ear that humans still use today. Most of the mammals during that time laid eggs to give birth. A certain few species had begun using the placenta to keep babies inside of them, birthing live children. The documentary then moves to talk more about dinosaurs and how the dino succus ruled the fresh waters in North America and then it shows this ground that had been turned on its side in the last millions of years where dinosaurs had used to walk. The wall/ground showed that there were still many different types of dinosaurs alive before the extinction. It then moves the scene to a lake area with a desert/savannah setting around it. A sauropod and edmontonia feast on trees and bushes. A carnotaurus attacks after the sauropod leaves. Edmontonia fights the carnotaurus with the spikes on the sides of its body. The carnotuarus realizes it cannot win and goes after the sauropod. The carnotuarus chases the sauropod and collides with it. More of the sauropods of the same species come and protect the younger one that was being attacked. It then moves the scene to the asteroid belt and tells how the collision of two asteroids caused one to be thrown at the earth. The asteroid hits the earth and sends tons of debris in all directions. Everything is set on fire and all dinosaurs not killed by the fire are killed by the tsunamis that follow afterward. All small animals that lived underground are safe. The mammals with high birth rates and small lifespans now benefit the mammals. Being small also allows the mammals to eat a small amount and it helps them because there is a very small amount of resources. Mammals had evolved bigger after the plants that were covered up began regrowing and more species of mammals allowed for more food. Mammals ruled the planet and kept evolving.
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