Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Documentarian- Mankind Rising: Where do humans come from?

Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StqZI9pMq0U&list=WL&index=6

Also, I shared this on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/DevyionOnline/status/712326647798747136

This documentary starts off with it talking about how the soon to be earth was being hit with thousands of asteroids. The material of the asteroid sometimes got into the ocean. The ocean hit the material and the water at the right time and created the first ever genetic material. This genetic material was then consumed by an oil blob and created the first ever cell. The cell then went through mitosis and created millions of cells. The cells then had accidents with them just floating around in the water. Some cells collided with each other and had sexual reproduction. This sexual reproduction created mutations and variants of the other cells and more cells were formed. The cells then began to create more cells which then turned into the first aquatic creatures. These creatures were worms that formed under the water. These creatures were blind but developed eyes after a while. The nerve cells inside of the worm begin to collect to form a brain. At this point, it is a fish like creature. That creature then evolves into a more armored and stronger fish due to needing to protect itself. That fish then struggles to find a home and ends being able to breathe air. This creature is an amphibian and can breathe air and water. Later it finally evolves to exist only on the surface. The creature on the surface then has to compete with other creatures on the surface that turn into dinosaurs and other things. Due to the sun, the amphibian evolves into a lizard that has tougher skin to protect from the sun and claws to help for traveling terrain. The cold then forces many of these lizards to grow hair along their bodies. These are rodents and they are alive during the dinosaurs. They live in burrows and are very small. They survive the extinction of the dinosaurs by hiding underground. With being small they can eat the small amounts of food while the other plants are growing back. The rodents that rule the land then evolve even larger and variation makes animals even more diverse. The first human-esque creatures finally develop due to the need to kill other creatures and speed. Those creatures then form into the humans that we know today.

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