Thursday, March 17, 2016

Documentarian- Mega Beasts: T Rex of the Deep - Mosasaur Documentary

Here is the link to the 33 Minute Documentary

This documentary is about how the Mosasuarus is the apex creature of the sea during the time of the dinosaurs. It starts off talking about how the mosasaurus was originally a land lizard that had to move to the ocean to avoid being eaten by the land creatures at the time. It talks about the land reptile mosasaur evolving into the dallasaurus and then into the Mosasaurus. For the main part of this documentary it talks about what makes the mosasaurus the apex if ut's territory. The first thing is it's bone structure. The bones allow for the fast movement in water with it's webbed feet and paddle-like tail. The second thing is, that since it evolved from a lizard, it has the ability to smell like a lizard. It has the forked tongue that allows for the smelling in two different directions. The next thing is it's sonar ability. It uses this to hear everything in it's area and it allows for it to fin many sources of food. The next thing is the size of the creature. The size allows for the mosasaurus to take on many large predators. The last thing that makes the mosasuarus an apex predator is how it's jaw is formed and it's teeth. It has a small set of teeth in the back of it's throat that allows for pushing it backwards in it's thoat and allows for fast swallowing and biting.

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