Sunday, February 21, 2016

Explaining directional hearing in animals- Journalist Side Quest

One of the reasons that humans have the ear lobes are to help them know what direction sounds is coming from. Most animals in nature have a different way of doing this. Scientists have discovered that most animals that do not have really defined ears have a set of "internal ears" which localize sounds so that they can understand them. The animals need this because of the very small gap between their ears and the empty space from ear to ear, allowing for sounds to escape. These newly discovered ears have been found to allow creatures to also hear some more precise things and some internal sounds. Scientists have since thought of a way future robots could use this type of hearing for industrial applications. 

I feel that the discovery of this information is pretty useful because all of the implications it could have ranging from robots with very good hearing to hearing aids that are beyond better than the ones we have now and that could possibly give someone perfect hearing even if they were struggling to hear before. This discovery is very cool.

Credit to: Technical University of Munich

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