Friday, January 29, 2016

Road Trip

Group: Devyion, Annika, and Colleen
When? June 13th-17th
Where will we go? New York
How much gas money will we need? There and back we will need a total of $132, with some reserved just in case.
What will we do for food? For food we will eat breakfast at home, pack a lunch, pack some snacks for the road, eat at Annika’s grandparents house for the rest of the time, and again pack a lunch for the way back.
Where will we are sleep? We will not sleep on the trip there since it’s only about 11 hours with traffic though probably more. We will stay with Annika’s grandparents.
What will we do? We will go to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), Ellis Island, Liberty Island to visit the Statue of Liberty and go inside of it.
Budget Track:
Gas: $182
Activities: $264 (MOMA: $135, Ellis and Liberty Island tour into the crown: $84, 9/11 Memorial and Museum:$45)
Subway Card: $96
Long Island-Penn Station: $177
Tolls: $45 (not exactly sure)
Food: No cost
Sleep: No cost

Left Over for whatever is needed: $181
Spreadsheet for money:

Google maps map:

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Planet Earth

1. To me sustainability means how well something endures and can put up with an action from something else.

2. We would need 4 Earth's to sustain everyone if they were all like me. I can add that to the reasons I want to become a vegetarian.

3. A step that I think could contribute a lot to saving a resource on our planet would be to turn off lights if they aren't necessary or unplug an electronic device if it does not need to be charged. This would save power which could help the power companies with how many natural resources they use to make the power we all use. I think this would be one of  best steps I could take because the resource I use the most is power.
My score the first and only time I took the Plagiarism Quiz was a 13 out 13.
I feel that plagiarism is a very bad thing to do and there is no reason that you should be plagiarizing someone else's work. I also feel that people who plagiarize should be taught the proper way to cite sources. Plagiarism is a very risky act and can get you into a lot of legal and educational problems. I try to avoid plagiarism at all costs for those reasons. Plagiarism is easy to avoid and very simple to cover up.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Starting the game

Devyion Smyre

3 things I know:
- The surface of the Earth is mostly composed of water.
- Earth is known as the blue planet because of this.
- The primary species on Earth that is in control of lots of things are humans.

2 things I would like to learn this semester:
- How could natural disasters be prevented.
- What metal is the Earth primarily composed of.

1 question I have about the Game
- Could we possibly finish and get 10,000 XP before the end of the semester.